Monday, December 19, 2016

Student Spotlight #1

This week the spotlight is on....
Mina Rai

Mina is a member of the Martial Arts club and Class 2-1. Her classmates consider her very strong and very intelligent. She is a free spirit who never lets others weigh her down. She is also very heroic and has a need for adventure. She was one of the first to restrain Nemeshisu after watching her attempt to commit murder.

Ayano Aishi: Hello Mina,I'm doing an interview for the Student Awareness Committee.
Mina Rai:Cool.
AA:What are your hobbies?
MR:Doing Martial Arts and....Doing Martial Arts.
AA:Sounds interesting. What was your experience with Nemeshisu like?
MR:(Stares blankly ahead for several seconds,)
MR:(Frowns.) I don't want to talk about it,Ayano.
AA:Then I'm out of questions.
MR:Too bad. (Walks away.)

Note:Don't talk about Nemeshisu in front of her.

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